Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Year's Eve, IOSHI, etc.

New Year's Eve. The movie was fun, if pointless. Bright lights appealing talent.  Robert De Niro is always good.

Got the IOSHI oracle. I keep almost writing the Oshi oracle, but it's not. It's an eighty card deck channeled by a spirit named IOSHI through an interfaith reverend who's become a radio psychic. It looks nice, even though there are two of a lot of the cards, so actually you're not getting eighty different cards; you're getting fifty or sixty cards and duplicates. It's cheerful though and the artwork's zippy and what do I really have to lose using it? Kind of computer graphicy images, but pretty, done by a man named David Camp. I think the whole thing's self-published,but one of the better efforts  Comes with a instruction manual, kind of the size and width of a Broadway playbill. I've  seen longer card descriptions in competing products, but considering their rambling, shortness could be a plus.


I'm hungry. Me and the Warpsludge female may go to The Cheesecake Factory in a few.

I'm completely off Chatroulette. It just seems like a horrible way to get yourself masturbated at or insulted by people who don't give a flying fuck. It's funny, because you'd think the the computer would be good for communication and reaching out, but no.

Thinking of doing You Tubes of angel card readings, so my webcam/mike won't go to waste. We'll see.
IOSHI oracle

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